2007年4月18日 星期三

丹麥的伊路利薩特冰灣 ( Ilulissat - Icefjord )

丹麥的伊路利薩特冰灣 ( Ilulissat - Icefjord ) 按我啦

英文名稱-Ilulissat - Icefjord

所屬區域 - 歐洲

所屬國 - 丹麥

遺產類別 - 自然遺產(i) (iii)

方位 - N69 08 00 W49 30 00

列入世界遺產時間 - 2004年入選

Located on the west coast of Greenland, 250-km north of the Arctic Circle, Greenland’s Ilulissat Icefjord (40,240-ha) is the sea mouth of Sermeq Kujalleq, one of the few glaciers through which the Greenland ice cap reaches the sea. Sermeq Kujalleq is one of the fastest (19-m per day) and most active glaciers in the world. Its annual calving of over 35 cubic kilometres of ice, i.e. 10% of the production of all Greenland calf ice and more than any other glacier outside Antarctica. Studied for over 250 years, it has helped develop our understanding of climate change and icecap glaciology. The combination of a huge ice-sheet and the dramatic sounds of a fast-moving glacial ice-stream calving into a fjord covered by icebergs makes for a dramatic and awe-inspiring natural phenomenon.


重大生態變化-北極圈冰川「縮水」 格陵蘭伊路利薩特冰灣

事實上,在全球暖化下,兩極冰川環境都出現了重大變化,位於北極圈的丹麥格陵蘭西岸的伊路利薩特冰灣(Ilulissat Icefjord)便是一例。地理學家 Kurt Cuffey 在最近一期(April 6, 2000) 的 Nature 雜誌上發表論文說:格陵蘭冰層的融解速度較西南極州快速很多。 近世紀以來地球氣候逐漸暖化,兩極冰層融水流向海洋而使洋面上升。
